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What is an automated trading system?

Automated trading systems — also referred to as mechanical trading systems, algorithmic trading, automated trading or system trading — allow traders to establish specific rules for both trade entries and exits that, once programmed, can be automatically executed via a computer.

Can you use an online stock trading platform?

While you can use an online stock trading platform, there’s an easier way: the Invest in Amazon $250 platform. Our Invest in Amazon $250 review will cover everything you need to know about this service. Invest in Amazon $250 is an automated trading platform that purchases and sells Amazon shares on your behalf.

Can new investors buy Amazon stock?

New investors can now buy shares of the stock for significantly less — leading up to the stock split, Amazon stock was trading in the upper $2,000 range. Post-split, the stock has been trading in the $100 range.

Are stock transactions automated?

It is well known that the majority of stock transactions are automated (as described here and here ), for example using applications or “robots” implementing a trading strategy.

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